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14 bathtubs per second

Holzhauer Pumpen GmbH
Holzhauer Pumpen GmbH

Three power units with 1,000 hp each

Nord-West Oelleitung GmbH is Germany’s hub for the transhipment, storage and transit of mineral oil.

With 35 tanks and a total capacity of 1,600,000 m³, the NWO is one of the most important mineral oil import ports in Germany. Some one billion tonnes of mineral oil have now been handled and forwarded via the NWO facilities by more than 18,000 tankers.


The regulations and standards have become much stricter in recent years with regard to the required water and foam output quantities. A new fire protection concept, including a new pump house, was necessary to meet the expansion of the safety-related systems at NWO.


In addition to an inlet structure that satisfies the guidelines for feeding the surface water to the fire-fighting units, we supplied the most important thing for the pump house – three diesel-powered vertical fire-fighting pumps with an engine output of 1,000 hp each, which pump 75,000 litres per minute through the pipelines (with equates to about 14 bathtubs per second).

Project details

CategoryTank farm
CustomerNord-West Ölleitung GmbH
Initial launch2016
Max. Output75,000 litres / minute
Operating pressure12.7 bar

Join us on our visit to one of the world’s most powerful plants on the premises of NWO GmbH. It will be exciting, we promise!


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The North West Oil Pipeline, as the name suggests, is a tank terminal and we supply the northwest of Germany with crude oil from there.

Dr.- Ing. Jörg Niegsch Managing Director NWO

The regulations and standards have become much stricter in recent years with regard to the required water and foam output quantities and in order to plan and realise the extensions of the safety systems here at NWO on this scale, close contact with the authorities, fire brigade, fire protection experts, us as operators and in this case with the company Holzhauer-Pumpen is essential.

Mark Thomas Project Management NWO

It is important that the system is easy to operate, one push of a button and things get going.

Kurt Schultze Head of the plant fire brigade NWO

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Did you know …

Holzhauer-Pumpen was founded back in 1969 and has since developed into a leading and globally recognised supplier of pump installations worldwide.

Let us help you!

Our employees explain and illustrate the requirements of standards and regulations as early as the initial consultation phase and thus facilitate the implementation and safe application in your daily work. In addition, they present engineering expertise spanning 50 years of hands-on application and research and thus provide our customers with a decisive competitive edge.